
  • 2018-02-15
  • 1,345

本文最后更新于 2018年2月15日 00:59,如文中路由与您测试不符,请在评论区留言

本站是某位辣鸡高中生于2018.02.14 2018.02.15创建的。由于时间紧迫,本站从购买域名到正式上线不足一小时(´Д⊂ヽ!
This site is built by a high school student who has a poor academic performance in 02.14.2018 02.15.2018. Because of being pressed of time, it took less than an hour from buying domain to publishing this site on the Internet.

还请各位大佬不要DDCC本站以及本站发布的测试IP    (._.)

Please do not attack this site and the test IPs published by this site. Thank you everyone.


图为新疆赛里木湖 by 晚风与你